- Golang DRLM API replacing Apache2 and CGI-BIN.
- Listbackup command now shows size and duration of backup.
- Improved database version control.
- dpkg purge section added.
- Improved disable_nfs_fs function.
- Added “-C” on install workflow to allow configuration of the client without install dependencies.
- Added “-I” in the import backup workflow to allow importing a backup from within the same DRLM server.
- Added “-U” on list clients to list the clients that have no scheduled jobs.
- Added a column on list clients that shows if a client has scheduled jobs.
- Added “-p” on list backups workflow to mark the backups that might have failed with colors.
- Added “-C” on addclient workflow to allow the configuration of the client without installing the dependencies.
- Debian 10 Support on install client workflow.
- Added ReaR 2.5 support on Debian 10, Debian 9, Debian 8, Ubuntu 18, Ubuntu 16, Ubuntu 14, Centos 6 and Centos 7.
- Added OS version and ReaR version in listclient.
- Added “-p” on list clients workflow to mark client status (up/down).
- Installclient workflow install ReaR packages from default.conf by default. Is possible to force to install ReaR from repositories with -r/–repo parameter (issue #114).